Carbon-Neutral Data Centers

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Pledged to THE CARBON NEUTRAL DATA CENTRE PACT our mission is to develop carbon-neutral data centers for cloud computing and cloud mining services.

Green Infrastructure

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We care for the future. On the premises of The Green Deal as an integral part of the sustainable future of Europe, we take the following actions:

  • We provide energy efficiency with measurable targets
  • We purchase 100% carbon-free renewable energy
  • We prioritize water conservation
  • We implement circular economy practices to repair and recycle servers
  • We reuse the heat generated from the servers for multiple porpuses


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Cloud Computing Solutions

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Cloud Mining Farms

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mining cloud

Sustainable future for distributed computing

The next major version of the internet is already on the way and we will help any brilliant mind who wants to build and expand upon blockchain technology.
Our cloud mining farms will provide clients with the basic infrastructure required to support distributed systems.